Hands on Family

Wofoo believes that love would make a harmonious, warm and caring family. “Hands on Family” Campaign aims at promoting family harmony through activities of various themes. We encourage every member to take up the responsibility of establishing positive communication and complete unity within the family, so that love and care could be promoted from each house to the whole community.

Grab the Love

In order to celebrate the United Nation’s “International Year of the Family + 20”, “Hands on Family” Campaign adopted the theme “Hands” in 2014 to promote family harmony and well-being. We hope that a caring community can be built eventually. We seek to use our hands as means to express and symbolise love and care. Through touching, constructing, sharing and passing messages, we inspire people to show appreciation and affection towards their family members.

Family Sports

“Hands on Family” has promoted the “Family Sports” programme since 2016, encouraging the general public to develop regular exercise habits with their families for physical and mental health. “Family Sports” also hopes to share some easy and simple parent-child sports through different activities. This helps establish a quality family relationship model to enhance the cohesion between members.

Family Dining and Cooking

“Hands on Family” Campaign conducted a survey in 2015, revealing that around 40% of the interviewees dined at home less than 10 times in the past month; their quality of dining was also low as family members sat together but lacked communication. We believe that spending quality time dining together is beneficial to family bonding. In addition, preparing simple, healthy home-cooked meals is an ideal way to express love and care to family members, enhancing harmony as a whole.