CHILD Project

Underprivileged families in Hong Kong face considerable socio-economic pressure that inevitably exerts negative influence on children’s growth. Committed to bringing a happy and healthy life to every kid, we have launched the “CHILD Project” to help the grassroots create an ideal growth environment for their children. Under the project, there are also a variety of learning programmes and workshops to broaden children’s horizons.

CHILD Manner

It is crucial to teach children proper etiquette for every occasion because their attitude and social skills are going to affect people’s first impression when they enter the workforce in the future. We believe that family background should not be an obstacle to children’s growth; as a result, we hold workshops on table manners for underprivileged kids so that they can also learn social skills like their counterparts and be equipped to soar into life with confidence.

On-cruise Party

Sponsored by Hong Kong Ferry (Holdings) Company Limited, we organise on-cruise parties with performances and delicacies for the grassroots. Apart from experiencing new form of entertainment at leisure, children who join the parties can also learn the importance of love and care that start from families. By extending love and care from families to the society, Hong Kong will be able to “live out love”.

Tours and Workshops

Children with ample opportunities to explore the city as well as the world will be equipped with more in-depth knowledge and practical experience. This is going to be beneficial to their physical and mental growth. Therefore, we offer various tours and workshops to children from underprivileged families to broaden their horizons, including taking them to places they seldom reach, visiting industries they do not know much about, as well as joining innovative learning activities.