Wofoo supports the 2024 Caritas Charity TV Show

Date : 2024-07-22

Dr. Joseph LEE, GBS, JP, the Chairman of the Wofoo Foundation is deeply honored to be invited again as the chairman of the Caritas Charity TV Show this year. Wofoo Social Enterprises and Wofoo Foundation strive to foster collaboration among the government, business sectors, social groups, and academia to offer high-quality, up-to-date social services. Together, we aim to build a caring, tolerant, and respectful society.

Caritas always commits to serving the needs and aspirations of the Last, the Least, and the Lost with the mission of “Love in the Service of Hope”. It has the same concept as the Wofoo’s belief of “Harmony brings a family prosperity, cohesion makes a nation wealthy.”

The Caritas Charity TV Show was perfectly held on 6 July 2024. Dr. Joseph LEE presided over the lighting ceremony with Dr. Tony KO Pat-sing, JP, the Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority, His Eminence Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J., Bishop of Hong Kong, Dr. Jimmy Jim, the Chairman of the Caritas Fundraising Committee and Managing Executive Officer of ICBC (Asia), Mr. Andrew T K Chan, the Honorary Adviser of “Friends of Caritas” and Ms. Theresa C Y Ng, JP, the Chairman of “Friends of Caritas”. This is a memorable moment and a tremendous opportunity to practice the values of Catholicism and Caritas, to witness Christ’s love, and to unite society with kindness and care.

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#Love and Care #Social Advocacy and Entrepreneurship #Respect #Inclusiveness #Caritas #Wofoofoundation